The IT hub city Bengaluru or Bangalore is present not only in India but also in the US. A user on X shared a photo of a collection of directional signboards pointing to various destinations, including a sign for “Bangalore.”
While sharing the photo, the user said that after seeing the “Bangalore” board sign, he felt bad as he remembered his home.
“I read Bangalore sign board in San Francisco and broke down, home,” he said in a post on X.
The post went viral with over 67k views and more than 3k people like the photo. The post also caught the attention of several netizens, who shared their own stories of spotting hometown references abroad.
Sharing his side of the story, one user said, “I remember the same thing happened to me, I think it was near the civic center?” While another one said, “lol. I remember being here years ago .”
One of the user asked that why the board signs aren’t in Kannada language. The comments came like, “Why is Bangalore written in English Use kannada in sign board Say no to English imposition ya bloody north American.”
Another one said, “It’s Bengaluru Mugga, kannada pride shouldn’t be messed with, even by the Americans.”
Others took the chance to joke about the city’s infamous traffic, saying, “You’ll probably get stuck in traffic on the way!”
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