Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, girando, california, chow, cbo, jeff, wisconsin, rotana, chung
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, bayview, jackson, haddix, martinez, hud, walton, helen hale, helen, preston, nikon,…
Source: Comcast Cable
San Francisco Unified School District provides every student with an equal opportunity to succeed by promoting intellectual growth, creativity, self-discipline, cultural and linguistic sensitivity, democratic responsibility, economic competence.
Topics: san francisco, alexander, fisher, wayne, sanchez, huntoon, harvey milk, israel, harvey, bogas,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, london, scott, this city, tracy mccrey, alexander
Source: Comcast Cable
The Police Commission conducts disciplinary hearings on charges of police misconduct and sets policy for the Police Department.
Topics: san francisco, yanez, walker, benedicto, hayden, dpa, henderson, california, excelsior, paul…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topic: san francisco
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, myrna melgar
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, excelsior, michael, mitton
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, san franciscans
Source: Comcast Cable
The TJPA oversees the design, build, operation and maintenance of the new Transbay Transit Center and associated facilities in downtown San Francisco.
Topics: san francisco, lipkin, vanderwater, baptiste, california, townsend, sarah phillips, chris manors
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, melgar
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, san franciscans, leland
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, trevor chandler, navy, bayview
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: hud, san francisco, sunnydale, mccallister, etc., john stewart, ron, sunnydale infrastructure llc,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, peskin, walton, ronen, melgar, preston, stefani, dorsey, chan, epa, california,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, trevor, julian, jackie, stephen, brown, california, julian bermuda, julian berry,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, finley, webex, flores, mr. canning, mr. clark, respondent, j. chang, ethics…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, fuller, mta, ada, van ness, raphael mandelman, shotwell, edmund lee, mr. lee, shaw,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: alice griffith, san francisco, john stewart, kaslofsky, bayview, aquino, clementina, mccormack,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, london, scott, this city, tracy mccrey
Source: Comcast Cable
The Budget and Finance Committee hears appropriation ordinances, and measures concerning bond issues, taxes, fees and other revenue measures, redevelopment, and real estate.
Topics: melgar, san francisco, china, california, mandelman, dph, washington, hsh
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, buchanan, pantoja, ingleside, matthews, larkin, sanderlin, hannah, portsmouth…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, fuller, mr. fuller, carla, richmond, jacob nicole, san mateo
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, san franciscans
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, palmer, wechter, wiley, dan, brown, new orleans, vector, bayview, california, julie,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, trevor chandler, navy
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, richmond
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, chinatown, moe, paris, danny, wendy, san franciscans, san francisco city, van ness,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, dearman, california, richmond, spears, stonestown, jung, knutzen, sacramento, diane…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, london, scott, this city, tracy mccrey
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: san francisco, peskin, walton, ronen, melgar, preston, stefani, california, dorsey, chan, epa,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, ms. lennear, california, puc, rivera, paulson, stacey, ajami, katie miller, laura…
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: san francisco, california, walton, preston, laguna, buena island, navy, dorsey, stefani, ronan,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, san franciscans
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, girando, california, chow, cbo, lisa, jeff, wisconsin, rotana, chung, leland
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, michael, paul, california, alexa, excelsior
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, peskin, puc, walton, chair walton, preston, carroll, california, lauren, schmidt,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, myrna melgar
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco .
Topics: san francisco, epa, peskin, california, chair melgar, preston, owen, melgar i. melgar, melgar,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award winning coverage of San Francisco government.
Topics: san francisco, puc, peskin, walton, chair walton, california, maxine anderson, espinola jackson,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, trevor chandler, navy
Source: Comcast Cable
The Land Use and Transportation Committee hears measures related to housing, land use, zoning, planning, rent control, transportation, the Municipal Transportation Agency, economic development, resident employment, workforce training and placement.
Topics: san francisco, epa, sherman, peskin, richmond, california, chair melgar, preston, jen, owen, melgar…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, california, myrna, laguna, steve, stephen, honda, mta, matt, san franciscans
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, ms. lennear, puc, rivera, paulson, california, stacey, ajami, katie miller, laura…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, bayview, jackson, haddix, martinez, hud, walton, helen hale, helen, preston, nikon,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, california, webex, bayview, herrera, maurice, recology, city, legg, steve bowdry,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, scott weiner, roberto, weiner, castro, emily joubert, raphael, victor, london,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, fuller, mta, ada, wolford, california, raphael mandelman, shotwell, edmund lee, mr….
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, california, scott wiener, san mateo, yvette corcoran, london, san carlos,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, london, scott wiener, larry, elaine, china, giants, maggie, usf, knight
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, fuller, mr. fuller, carla, richmond, jacob nicole, san mateo, u.k.
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, collins, beltran, ralph remington, lauren, schnair, shiota, ralph, london, bill…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, richmond, china
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, trevor chandler, navy
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, richmond, kentucky, chinatown
Source: Comcast Cable
San Francisco Unified School District provides every student with an equal opportunity to succeed by promoting intellectual growth, creativity, self-discipline, cultural and linguistic sensitivity, democratic responsibility, economic competence.
Topics: san francisco, alexander, wayne, fisher, jordan, matt wayne, jose ortega, sanchez, london, brown,…
Source: Comcast Cable
The San Francisco Entertainment Commission regulates, promotes and enhances the field of entertainment in the city of San Francisco.
Topics: san francisco, amano, chinatown, bleiman, perez, schlander, peskin, alameda, jones, city, bayview,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, san franciscans, mr. lambert
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, london, mta, jeff tumlin, joel engardio, taraval
Source: Comcast Cable
The Planning Department guides the orderly and prudent use of land, in both natural and built environments, with the purpose of improving the quality of life and embracing the diverse perspectives of those who live in work in and visit San Francisco.
Topics: san francisco, california, moore, williams, campbell, laguna, sequa, brown, mcgarry, braun, mr….
Source: Comcast Cable
The TJPA oversees the design, build, operation and maintenance of the new Transbay Transit Center and associated facilities in downtown San Francisco.
Topics: san francisco, california, lipkin, vanderwater, bayview, baptiste, townsend
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, driscoll, blackstone, david, china, cambridge, richard, california, steve, alpha,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, tang, dickerson, sabella, zouzounis, chinatown, huey, steve, pdr, cornet, india,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, london, california, stefani, carla, sarah phillips, chris manors
Source: Comcast Cable
The San Francisco County Transportation Authority administers and oversees the delivery of the half-cent local transportation sales tax program and expenditure plan.
Topics: san francisco, mta, bart, caltrans, ronen, melgar, preston, tumlin, chan, safai, walton, peskin,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, california, mexico, myrna melgar
Source: Comcast Cable
The Police Commission sets policy for the Police Department and conducts disciplinary hearings on charges of police misconduct.
Topics: elias, san francisco, benedicto, walker, yanez, dpa, carter, henderson, carter overstone, walsh,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, ms. lennear, puc, rivera, paulson, stacey, california, ajami, katie miller, laura…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, california, brian, webex, hallisy, jessie, amazon, excelsior, wintroub, union…
Source: Comcast Cable
The SFMTA Board of Directors governs the San Francisco Municipal Railway, the Division of Parking and Traffic and the Division of Taxis and Accessible Services.
Topics: san francisco, henderson, mta, hines, chinatown, chen, hsh, california, hemminger, susan,…
Source: Comcast Cable
The SFMTA Board of Directors governs the San Francisco Municipal Railway, the Division of Parking and Traffic and the Division of Taxis and Accessible Services.
Topics: shotwell, san francisco, mta, hemminger, henderson, silva, tomlin, chen, hsh, venice, heminger,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, bayview, chris manors, valencia, excelsior, myrna melgar, jeff tumlin, mr. tumlin,…
Source: Comcast Cable
Award-winning coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topics: san francisco, chan, brian, preston, california, bla, michael, sophia kitler, sophie hayward, mrs….
Source: Comcast Cable
Award Winning Coverage of San Francisco Government.
Topic: san francisco
Source: Comcast Cable
The Board of Appeals is the quasi-judicial body which hears and decides appeals of departmental decisions involving the granting, denial, suspension, or revocation of permits, licenses, and other use entitlements by various commissions.
Topics: appellant, san francisco, lopez, trasvina, mr. lloyd, epler, lakeview, peter, sfgov, alec, claudia…
Source: Comcast Cable
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